Project Smiles
Project Smiles was initiated in August 2021
under the aegis of Gabula Foundation
PHASE 1 : To bring smiles to the faces of children in Kashmir valley.

Program 1 - Distributing chocolates!
On August 2, 2021, while out for a walk during their holiday to Kashmir, Abbas & Ismat were approached by a small child. Unwilling to promote begging, they gave that child and the rapidly increasing group of children chocolates from a local store. The smiles received in return were truly heart-warming. This inspired them to make this sweet distribution a recurrent weekly program.

Program 2 - Setting up of Libraries in Kashmir Valley.
This happened following a chance meeting with a local schoolteacher, Saleem on the same holiday. This dedicated young man had relocated to his hometown in Pulwama district after completing his postgraduation and Teachers training from different institutions in India as he was keen to help in the education of children here. He spoke about the difficulties faced for educating children due to the low family income in the area at the Government School in Pulwama District of Kashmir where he taught. Moved, they decided to help. At first, they sent educational and storybooks. These were contributed by the kindhearted people of Mumbai, most happy to donate their children’s books to a place where they would continue to be loved. Some generous people donated notebooks and stationery too. At first, Saleem was happy to allot one room in his home towards establishing a library. As the collection increased however, he moved it to the school where he taught. Another chance meeting, this time with Ms. Padmavati Pal, the principal of the Beacon Public School in Budgam district in Kashmir helped in spreading the smiles further. Books were shared with the library of this school too.
As the contributions in Mumbai grew, over 227 kg of books i.e. more than 1500 books were sent to Kashmir for young children from kindergarten up to Class 10. These spanned various genres including encyclopedias, educational books and fiction books. With the plethora of books stocked in their libraries the children are now able to learn and explore the world through the magical world of books!

Program 3 - Providing Notebooks and Stationery
November 2021
As the new school year approached a request was made requesting support for notebooks and stationery for the children of Govt Middle School Wandakpora Pulwama & the underprivileged children of Beacon Public School as the government supplies generally arrive only in the latter half of the school year. With contributions from friends and well-wishers and Navneet Publications, Gabula Foundation-Project Smiles was able to supply notebooks & stationery for the academic year to children of both schools – 63 in Beacon Public School, and 242 children in Govt. Middle school Wandakpora. Textbooks were also arranged for 63 needy children of Beacon Public School.
April 2022
As the schools reopened after winter, a request from Teacher Salim was received for the students at his new school. Notebooks for 218 students have been disbursed by Gabula Foundation-Project Smiles with the generous support of Navneet Publications.
November 2023
Request through our contact in the Kashmir Valley, Teacher Salim for supplying of notebooks and stationery for 225 underprivileged children of Govt.Primary School Lelhara was fulfilled for the upcoming school year. Thanks to the generous contributions of our donors and Navneet Publications we were able to fulfil this requirement so that the children can pursue their studies comfortably.
July 2024
Books and stationery for 100 underprivileged children of Government Upper Primary School, Monviji, Zone Kakarpora, Pulwama Kashmir thanks to the generous contribution of our donors- Dr.Padaria family.
Click here to see the images shared by the school.
PHASE 2 - Providing Books to Rural Schools in India
August 2022
Meeting Mrs. Namrata Sharma at the School for Adivasi children in Karjat we were blown away by the innovative methods of teaching and the dedication of all concerned. Our contribution was in the form of books needed by the children particularly in Marathi and English. Here again we were ably supported by Navneet Publications. Images shared with us are ample proof that the books have been well received and are being put to good use!

PHASE 3-Conducting Activities for Children in Mumbai Gardens
March 3 2024
An Essay & Drawing Competition for children
was conducted in the Matoshree Ramabai Thackeray Udyan in Lower Parel, Mumbai
in collaboration with the Inner Wheel Club of Bombay North.
32 children from the neighbourhood aged 11-15 participated enthusiastically on a Sunday morning at 8 am. All the children were provided with stationery material and snacks. Judging was in 3 categories with 3 prizes along with trophies awarded in each category.
It was well received and we look forward to conducting similar camps in the future.

Project Smiles has had an amazing positive trajectory due to the generous response from Mumbaikars.
Gabula Foundation looks forward to continuing the program in Kashmir and elsewhere in India with the support of largehearted friends & well-wishers.